Leftover pizza dough can easily become a yummy dessert with these pillowy soft Zeppolles! A great way to make use of some extra dough!
The work could get hard and chaotic and sometimes things would get downright feisty in the kitchen – usually when orders were all backed up. If you’ve never had a small-but-formidable Italian woman yell at you, it’s not an experience I would suggest you go search out. But I really loved it there. Through all the eye rolls and snarky comments, we were own little restaurant family – and anyone that has worked in a restaurant before can tell you that’s exactly what its like.
The real fun comes towards the end of the night, when food is made to go, or leftover prepped food is eaten during cleanup. But hands down, the best nights were the rare ones when there was leftover pizza dough- Freddie would make an olive oil and garlic pizza and Gina would make Zeppoles. Now, not many people seem to have heard of Zeppoles, but if you can imagine a doughnut and an elephant ear getting busy together, you pretty much have the concept of the pastry down. Balls of dough (in this case, pizza dough) are quickly fried so they beautifully puff up and then immediately get dusted with powdered sugar. They are phenomenal, especially hot out of the oil.
I had purchased some fresh pizza dough from Publix and then never got around to making the pizza I had in mind. Not wanting the dough to go to waste, I decided to do as we did back then and make some Zeppoles for everyone. I threw a saucepan of oil on my grill burner, heated it up and 10 minutes later I had a beautiful tray of snowy white Zeppoles.
And they were just as good as I remember.
What you’ll need for this recipe:
- Saucepan – I recommend using a saucepan for frying your Zeppolles. You can grab this [easyazon_link identifier=”B0027MF964″ locale=”US” tag=”gogogogo03-20″]Nonstick Sauce Pan [/easyazon_link] to use for this recipe and future ones!
- Tongs – A good pair of tongs that will last, is a key kitchen gadget to own. Grab these [easyazon_link identifier=”B00750ZQ1Q” locale=”US” tag=”gogogogo03-20″]Tongs[/easyazon_link] to add to your kitchen utensils!
- Powdered sugar sifter – I recommend using this [easyazon_link identifier=”B001CIELHW” locale=”US” tag=”gogogogo03-20″]Icing Sugar Sifter[/easyazon_link] to sprinkle the powdered sugar onto your hot and fresh Zeppolles.
MeCooks says
That looks absolutely amazing!
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